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How to create a database using XAMPP and PhpMyAdmin

How to create a database using XAMPP and PhpMyAdmin When you work on a website that is either hosted or local on your computer, you sometimes need a  database for it. Back in the day you would need to know SQL and how to run these commands at  some kind of prompt. Nowadays we have phpMyAdmin, a graphical user interface for SQL. You can click, enter text boxes, and after a while you will create a database with tables, columns,  user rights etc. To use phpMyAdmin, you must either install host software on your computer, such as XAMPP, MAMP,  LAMP or WAMP. Or you can get a web host that already has it installed on it. In these software  packages "AMP" stands for MySQL (Database), Apache (Web Server), and PHP. M is for Mac, L is for  Linux and W is for Windows. XAMPP makes them all so that's the one I'd recommend starting out with. As far as web hosting is concerned, the one I use and highly recommend They are  cheap, reli...

Why is Good Grammar So Important in English?

Why is Good Grammar So Important in English?

Why is good grammar important? Well, because it saves lives! Just consider the difference between 
“Let's eat, grandma!” And “Let's eat grandma!”.
The first one invites grandma to a beautiful meal. On the other hand, it sounds like you’re excited about 
Jokes aside, speaking and writing with good grammar are often overlooked as unnecessary. Some 
people argue that if they are understood, it should not matter if they have several grammatical errors.
The problem with this line of thought is that it fundamentally ignores the benefits of someone using the 
right grammar.
Good Grammar So Important in English

Good Grammar Makes You Easier To Understand

The first and most important reason for editing your writing and thinking about your grammar as you 
speak is that it makes you easier to understand.
Although a grammar error may seem insignificant to the person writing an article or blog, think about it 
from the reader's point of view. Even a small grammatical or spelling mistake has the power to disrupt 
the flow of your writing and cause your reader to detach from the content.
A similar situation occurs when you speak. While it is true that native speakers also make grammatical 
errors, there is no need to forget good grammar.
When you speak and write grammatically, you can be sure your message will be understood without 

Good Grammar Improves Your English Skills

Having a strong knowledge of English grammar will help you improve your English skills in general.
For example, once you have learned the grammatical rules of sentence construction, it will be easier for 
you to express your ideas.
Over time, when you speak English, your confidence builds by being able to speak and write properly. 
This encourages you to develop a proper vocabulary so that you have the tools to communicate with 

Good Grammar Increases Your Credibility

Another most important reason for learning good grammar is that it increases your credibility. 
Think about your attitude to a newspaper or online magazine that contains errors in its articles.
If you notice consistent grammatical errors in their articles, you also begin to question the legitimacy of 
the information they convey.
The same applies on a personal level. When you apply for a job, there is a good chance that you will not 
receive an interview if there are errors in your CV or cover letter.
Your writing stands for who you are. If there are careless mistakes, it seems to the reader that you do 
not care about your work. This makes it less likely that they will trust you and destroy your credibility.
Hopefully you now see the importance of good grammar. From ensuring that people understand you 
to improving your job opportunities, good grammar is a life-changing skill.
Do you have difficulty improving only your spoken English
Visit our English speaking course in Chandigarh website to learn how you can
improve your spoken English today.


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