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How to create a database using XAMPP and PhpMyAdmin

How to create a database using XAMPP and PhpMyAdmin When you work on a website that is either hosted or local on your computer, you sometimes need a  database for it. Back in the day you would need to know SQL and how to run these commands at  some kind of prompt. Nowadays we have phpMyAdmin, a graphical user interface for SQL. You can click, enter text boxes, and after a while you will create a database with tables, columns,  user rights etc. To use phpMyAdmin, you must either install host software on your computer, such as XAMPP, MAMP,  LAMP or WAMP. Or you can get a web host that already has it installed on it. In these software  packages "AMP" stands for MySQL (Database), Apache (Web Server), and PHP. M is for Mac, L is for  Linux and W is for Windows. XAMPP makes them all so that's the one I'd recommend starting out with. As far as web hosting is concerned, the one I use and highly recommend They are  cheap, reli...

Personality Development Courses in Chandigarh

Personality Development Courses in Chandigarh

CBitss Technologies offers short-term personality development courses in Chandigarh so that 
they work on social emotions by increasing their potential, knowledge and communication skills, with 
different perspectives, all the personality of the pass-outs Can increase Personal properties.

Personalized changes:


This is about the importance of your presence, both for your self esteem and how you see others. It 
expresses your personality genuinely, it is a set of changes in your body change with a specially 
designed dress that makes you personally attractive on your posting.

communication skills:


Introduction to communication; Flow communication; Listening; Barriers to communication;
The introduction of communication is a language and there is a very scientific method of intervention 
and transfer from one person to another. The first part is the flow of communication that accelerates 
basic communication skills in any language. It involves honoring the listening skills, trying to 
understand the audience, and exercising to understand the subject completely with logical reactions.

When you are skilled in speaking and correcting the language grammatically, the barriers to 
communication are removed. Non-verbal communication / physical language skills are also 
important that work a lot in your favor.
In which the personality development courses in Chandigarh, helped to improved your personality 
abilities, speaking, and skills.
In relation to their employer's ability, the second concern of pass-outs is their proficiency in  
speaking in English. For this a scientific module is required which includes specific grammar and  
spoken English.

Behavioral skills:


Behavior skills will come after stress, perseverance, tolerance, anger management, ambiguity and 
persistence handling, confidence and inspiration.


Stress is felt that when we are under pressure and feel that everything has gone too much - we are 
overloaded and wonder whether we can really face the pressures placed on us or not.

The following strategies are in response to stress management:

  • Express interest in working under stressful situations that will motivate you for excellence
  • Discuss that you have prioritized job responsibilities in the past
  • Show how you have solved problems at work
  • Explain how you effectively manage many projects together
  • Discuss how you will judge the problems before solving head


When you feel impatient for any reason. Find the reason at the very beginning and be responsible for it 
and find the cause within you and not blame anyone else. This way thinking will do a great job to cool 
you down and handle your impatience. Always keep positive attitude in life.

Being Tolerance:

This is your fair and purposeful approach to those whose opinions and practices are different from 
yours and in general you do not have an angel in your habit, and after your choices, actions and 
decisions, you argue logically, You will enjoy tolerance and will disappear at any time. You make them 
tolerant. Each person is both a purveyor and beneficiary of tolerance.
Personality development courses in Chandigarh help to improve your skills and provides the 
quality classes for candidates. Tolerance means that although we may have different ways of life and 
opinions in different ways, we take great care of each other so that we can respect each other and 
despite our differences one can -You can love others.Tolerance is the commitment to respect the 
dignity of others

Anger management:

Immediately when you and someone else is angry, recognize the trigger of anger, handle the situation 
in a positive, peaceful and collective manner, leaving the ego is the skill to manage anger, and it also 
spreads to the full or full extent of any other Will go. Anger management is a psychoanalytic program 
for the prevention and control of anger that develops through positive and logical thinking.

Dealing with Ambiguity:

Those who should be able to perform and show you - are in normal development of the risk taking 
capacity, which are effective when the ability to effectively manage the change also develops. The 
important qualifications required to develop the ability to move gear / change course quickly and easily. 
Foresight is also to develop that you can make decisions and work without a total picture.

Top behavioral skills

  • Communication
  • Goal-setting and planning
  • Listening
  • Clarity and concision
  • Confidence
  • Open-mindedness
  • Respect
  • Feedback
  • Picking the right medium
  •  It is an important communication skill is to simply know what form of communication to use.

Social capabilities:

In which the Personality development courses in Chandigarh Classes help you to improve the 
social capabilities. Social abilities are any skills that facilitate communication and communication with 
others. Social capabilities are about being able to accommodate a special situation and flexibility in our
behavior to fit our personal needs and desires.

There are different benefits for well-developed social capabilities.

  • More and better relationships
  • Recognizing well with people is more relationships and friendships many times
  • improved communication
  • Being able to work in people and in larger groups related to people
  • greater efficiency
  •  If you are good with people, you can easily escape with those whom you do not like others

Grow career prospects

The most meaningful jobs are 'People Component' and it takes a lot of time to interact with employees, 
media and colleagues in the most attractive positions.
  • Overall happiness increased
  • Together and understanding with people will help to open many doors related to personal and 

Emotional intelligence:

Personality development courses in Chandigarh help to improve The ability to be aware of, control 
and express somebody's emotions, and the ability to handle mutual relationships wisely and honestly.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand emotions, "emotional intelligence is the key to both 
personal and business success;" To reach and generate feelings for the help of ideas; To understand 
emotions and emotional knowledge; And to reflect the emotions to promote emotional and intellectual 
growth. "


The four branches of emotional intelligence describe the model ability to define emotional 
intelligence or four skill areas.

Understanding of feelings - Ability to accurately understand the emotions of others' faces and voices.
 It provides a starting point for a more advanced understanding of emotions.

Use emotions to promote ideas - the ability to use emotions with guidance in the cognitive process. 
A good system of emotional input helps to consider important issues. Emotions are also necessary for 

Understanding emotions - Because emotions express information, it is the heart of this skill to 
understand emotional messages and their associated behaviors.

Emotional management - You can manage emotions. Once the information behind the emotions is 
gathered and understood, it is regulated and managed.

These capabilities include:

  • correctly understand the feelings in themselves and others
  • Enjoy emotions to facilitate thinking
  • Understand emotional meanings, Management Emotions

This is important because:

  • Helps you to cooperate and cooperate well with others in the workplace
  • Helps you achieve your goals
  • Maintain satisfactory personal relationships
  • Live another balanced lifestyle
  • Allows you to be more playful and creative
  • Solve conflict more easily

Critical Thinking:

Critical  thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitoring, and self-corrective thinking.
Critical thinking is the intellectual disciplined process of information collected by actively and efficiently 
as per the conceptual, perceptual, assessment, synthesis, and / or observation, experience, reflection, 
reasoning, or communication, as a guide for critical thinking and action.
Understand the logical connection between ideas with Personality development courses in 

  • Identify, build and evaluate arguments
  • Detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in logic
  • Systematically solve problems
  • Identify the relevance and importance of ideas
  • Reflect on the justification of someone's own beliefs and values

It is important because:

  • Critical thinking is a domain-general thinking skill.
  • the new knowledge economy is very important.
  • It is help you to enhances language and presentation skills.
  • promotes creativity.
  • It is important for self-reflection.



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