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How to create a database using XAMPP and PhpMyAdmin

How to create a database using XAMPP and PhpMyAdmin When you work on a website that is either hosted or local on your computer, you sometimes need a  database for it. Back in the day you would need to know SQL and how to run these commands at  some kind of prompt. Nowadays we have phpMyAdmin, a graphical user interface for SQL. You can click, enter text boxes, and after a while you will create a database with tables, columns,  user rights etc. To use phpMyAdmin, you must either install host software on your computer, such as XAMPP, MAMP,  LAMP or WAMP. Or you can get a web host that already has it installed on it. In these software  packages "AMP" stands for MySQL (Database), Apache (Web Server), and PHP. M is for Mac, L is for  Linux and W is for Windows. XAMPP makes them all so that's the one I'd recommend starting out with. As far as web hosting is concerned, the one I use and highly recommend They are  cheap, reliable, charge you

Importance of Education in Personality Development

Importance of Education in Personality Development

Like other factors, education can affect individual personality development process. People who go to 
school to acquire skills and knowledge in the future will do so to live a better life. Education provides 
opportunities for today's young people and mostly helps to ensure a safe future. It reforms the mind and 
Compulsion young people to pursue their dreams. Individuals can gain a lot of benefits, especially in 
connection with the full development of individuals. People who attended school are more reasonable 
than those who do not attend school.
Education plays an important role to improve the person personality. School after the home is one of 
the social structures through which all children pass, and one of its purposes is to make up the character 
of that child. Personality development courses in Chandigarh will look at some of the roles played in 
this process.

Personality formation / development

As mentioned earlier, the personality development classes in Chandigarh plays a major role in the 
formation of an individual's overall personality development. From childhood, children are exposed to 
this social environment and spend most of that day there. We can not overlook the impact of education, a 
major service provided by the institute, on children. After home, Institute is responsible for maintaining 
student behavior and developing their overall character. Therefore, careful efforts are needed to ensure 
that the student’s character is shaped properly during this time.
At personality development course in Chandigarh sector 34A, many activities are planned in the 
classroom to education a good character to help students' life. As I go, I will pass through some of these. 
There are some important things to be put in order to help students build their personality.

Role of Education in Personality Development

Education gives Knowledge
Knowledge is important. If you are sitting in a group of people without any knowledge, you are considered 
to be not a fool. The lack of knowledge can reduce politeness and comfort. Knowledge will be absorbed 
in good discussions with your colleagues, leaving memorable and unforgettable impressions. It is like a 
magical booster to your personality. Education enhances your intellectual growth.  
Education in personality development can direct your mind in the right direction. It can motivate your 
life. You can know what you are doing and it will be the result. I understand why you are doing all the 
steps you take in your life. This will be reflected in your personality and will strengthen it.

Education boosts your Confidence
Education is the only booster to help pass the low confidence barrier. Most of the people are usually very 
shy. Education gives them opportunities to develop confidence. The educational system gives the 
opportunity to sit with others, socialize with them, become friends, take good health communication, learn 
new things and remove doubts. Every little step increases your trust. A new person you meet in a day 
needs a lot of confidence to tell you. Children studying at school can talk to others easily without being shy. 
They can also deal with groups of people. This is because the educational system is confident and is used 
to raise its personality.

Education can teach you how to Behave
Good behavior for others is always highly appreciated and praised. As stated above, the wrong action 
may damage the whole character you've created over the years. The behavioral code which is behavior 
is also taught by the educational system. Education can teach you how to act when you are in a meeting, 
party, etc. Education in Personality development can teach you how to talk with others. Education will 
tell you what to tell you. In the modern education system, you are surrounded by many people around you,
 you need to exchange them someday. This can be thought of as a practical test of your code of conduct. 
If you can learn how to act, you can grow to a very good person.

Education can help Increase Memory and Thinking Skills
Memory and thinking skills can be seen as showing your brains. Your thinking skills and memories are 
easily impressed by everyone. Excellent thinking skills will lead to healthy discussions and give you an 
unforgettable personality. The sharp memory power lets you remember the face and facts encountered 
before. It is pretty impressive when you remember what you have not encountered for a long time. It 
leaves positive remarks to your personality. You and your personality will be admired.


Everyone is looking for a good personality. But I can not blink my eyes. I need time, patience and 
handicraft. It is like a plant and you need to feed it to get fruit. Likewise, you need to do it physically 
and mentally to feed themselves. You need to proactively act in your mind. You need knowledge. I 
need experience and opportunities. You need to be trained. Mixing all of these will develop a magical 
part of your personality. To get all of this you need to get the education first. Without education, it is 
nearly impossible to get all of these. Education in personality development can give you almost 


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